Invoices ======== .. autoclass:: effipy.invoices.Invoices :members: :undoc-members: :inherited-members: :exclude-members: create .. py:function:: create(dict) Create a new invoice with a dict that will be converted to JSON. :param dict dict: A dictionary with invoice data like the following: .. code-block:: javascript { "number": "Número de factura", "customerId": "Identificador único del cliente", "contractId": "Identificador único del contrato", "usagePointId": "ES0987543210987654ZF", "activityCode": "Código CNAE", "tariffId": "2.0A", "power": 5500, "activeEnergyConsumption": 400, "reactiveEnergyConsumption": 225, "isConsumptionEstimated": false, "activeEnergyCost": 200.0, "reactiveEnergyCost": 100.0, "powerCost": 300.0, "servicesCost": 75.0, "rentalsCost": 100.0, "otherCost": 50.0, "subtotal": 825.0, "otherTaxes": 6.75, "currencyCode": "Euro", "invoiceDate": 1363301230, "periodStart": 1363301020, "periodEnd": 13633012000, "vat": 173.25, "totalTaxes": 180.0, "total": 1005.0, "tariffType": "2.0DHA" }